Our Authority In Christ

Key Verse: Luke 10:19 NIV“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” As followers of Christ, we often hear about the concept of “authority,” but it’s crucial to understand what this truly means in our daily lives. How do we walk in the authority […]

What is Deliverance?

“Are you familiar with the term ‘Deliverance Ministry’? In today’s spiritual climate, we often hear words like spiritual warfare and demonic activity. Understanding what Deliverance Ministry is and its importance is crucial to spiritual growth and freedom. Deliverance Ministry is a fundamental part of Christianity. It is based on the belief that there are supernatural forces at work in the […]

What is Inner Healing?

Inner healing sessions are a time of prayer ministry that allows for Jesus to bring healing and freedom from emotional, spiritual and trauma wounds from our past. These wounds are often stored in the memories buried deep in the sub-conscious of hurting people. Unlike a traditional counseling session, we seek to address the wounded part of the person, have that […]