What is a Demon?

A demon is an unclean (not holy) spirit, a fallen angel as described in the following verses; Matthew 12:24, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Revelation 12:7-9. It is not a disembodied spirit of a long lost relative! It is just a fallen angel, Satan is their boss.

Can a Christian have Demons?

There are teachings that say if you have received Jesus as your Savior and are filled with the Holy Spirit that you can’t have a demon.  2 Corinthians 2:11 says we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices, but many people are ignorant in that regard. The Bible shows a “type and shadow” of the Christian walk; The Children of Israel miraculously left Egypt where they were slaves (to sin – Romans 6:17), they crossed through the Red Sea and were baptized (1 Corinthians 10:2), they followed the cloud by day and fire by night (Holy Spirit), they ate manna or bread (Jesus the bread from heaven – John 6:41) and drank from The Rock (Jesus the Living Water – John 4, 1 Corinthians 10:4), they entered the promised land (Jesus – Revelation 7:15-17), then the Children of Israel had to drive out the inhabitants of the land (demons). Source: Stuck? – Pastor Larry Arendas

Some may argue that heaven is the promised land, but then why were they told to drive out the inhabitants of the land?

How do I know if I have a demon?

If you have dabbled in witchcraft, horoscopes, ouija boards, new age, eastern religions, freemasonry, etc., it is an invitation to demons. If you have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse or another type of trauma, it is possible that demons can torment the wounded part of you. If there are people in your ancestry who dedicated themselves to Satan (or a false god) and it has not been broken off and renounced, there are generational demons present. If you have or have had an addiction to alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, money, etc., there are likely demons present. Premarital sex, sex outside of marriage, or sexual relations as described in Romans 1:26-27 can expose you to your sex partner’s demons.

You may hear things in your head that are condemning, but you think they are your own thoughts. A simple way to know if the thoughts are from a demon is to use your authority given by Jesus and command the demons that they are forbidden from speaking to you in the first person, in Jesus name. If you begin hearing them say “you” instead of “I”, it is a demon. Source: I Give You Authority by Charles H. Kraft

What authority do I have and what authority do demons have?

When Jesus was in the grave (before he rose from the dead), he descended into the lower parts of the earth (Ephesians 4:9-10) and took the keys to death and hell (Revelation 1:18). All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus (Matthew 28:18), Jesus gave that same authority to his disciples (Luke 9:1), if you have confessed that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9) then you are Jesus’ disciple and you have been given His authority.
Satan was given authority over this world when Adam and Eve sinned, Jesus took that authority back at the cross. But the effect of that sin is still active on the earth and gives demons legal rights to harass people.
Since Jesus gave you authority, you have authority over demons. The demons are under your feet!
“Demons are like little gnats compared to Jesus, and when they look at you, they see Jesus” – Dr. Scott Bitcon

Why is there so much focus on demons?

Sin and demons are what cause people to need freedom and deliverance, but the focus is on getting the wounded parts of the person healed by Jesus. This requires “going to the courts of heaven”, getting the demon’s hands off of you, forgiving others or receiving forgiveness, breaking off curses, renouncing generational curses, and then asking Jesus to heal the wounded part. Once the wound is healed, the demons can be cast out.

How does someone get rid of the demons?

By using the authority given to believers by Jesus to command them to leave (Luke 9:1), but demons will not leave if they have a legal right to stay (see legal rights below).

How many demons can a person have?

One, a few, or many, it all depends. When Jesus cast 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene, the use of the number 7 was not literal, it meant completeness. He cast them all out, completely!
Source: The God of the Way: A Journey into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever by Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel

What gives demons legal rights to enter and stay?

One word, Sin. There are three specific kinds of sin that Satan uses to enter.
Generational sin – The Bible speaks of this in that the sins of the father are visited upon the third and fourth generation (this is not literal, it really means perpetuity, all the way back to Adam and Eve).
Sin perpetrated against you – Someone hurt you, trauma, abuse, etc.
Volitional sin – Your own, voluntary sin.
Source: Dr. Scott Bitcon – Satan’s Rules

How do you cancel a demon’s legal rights?

By going to the courts of heaven in prayer, then by getting the demons out of the way by dividing soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12), asking forgiveness for any sins, forgiving those who have sinned against you, breaking curses and finally asking Jesus to come and heal the wounded part. Once the wound is healed, the demons can be cast out.

Do I need a special anointing to cast out demons?

No, we don’t believe so. Jesus gave his disciples authority to cast out demons (Luke 9:1). It starts with understanding your authority in Christ. Next it requires knowledge of Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11) which requires understanding through training and practice.

Jesus is the Healer, apart from him we can do nothing!

Tip: as disciples, we are always practicing.

Are you acting as a medium or conjuring up the demon?

No, it is using the authority given by Jesus (Luke 9:1) and commanding the demon to come up or come to attention. The demons speak to the person’s mind and the person repeats what they hear.

Do you see demonic manifestations?

Sometimes, simply commanding the demon to “stop it” or “knock it off” is usually sufficient to make it stop.

Does the demon take over the person receiving deliverance?

Much of what people believe about deliverance comes from movies, the person receiving deliverance is in complete control of their faculties during a deliverance session.

Is deliverance scary? Will I lose control of myself?

It is perfectly normal to be nervous or apprehensive, but receiving deliverance does not need to be scary or bring fear. My times the person who seeks deliverance will need to overcome enough of their fear or timidity to seek help. Receiving deliverance is not easy, it can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Having Jesus come and heal a wound is freeing and brings peace.

Why are you talking to demons?

In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke it describes Jesus asking the demon’s name, Jesus spoke to demons! We are not having a conversation with them, or asking for winning lottery numbers, we are interrogating them like an attorney in a court room before The Righteous Judge. By interrogating them we can learn where the wound is, how old the person was when the wound happened, how they gained legal rights (sin or generational) to enter the person.

Aren’t demons just a bunch of liars?

Yes, but when taken to the courts of heaven, and put on the judgement seat, they usually tell the truth, even to their own detriment. Also, the Spirit of Truth dwells in Christians the Holy Spirit often provides discernment to tell if what they say is truth or a lie.

Is mental illness caused by demons?

Sometimes! Mental illness can be the result by an emotional wound that is severe enough to cause the person to disassociate. The wounded part of the person can become tormented by a demon. Jesus can heal the wound!

Is physical illness and disease caused by demons?

Sometimes! It is entirely possible that disease comes from demons. There is a demon of infirmity on every wound. If someone is suffering from cancer, for example. Finding the cause of the cancer can be as simple as asking the demon causing cancer to come up, interrogate them to find where the wound is, break the curses and ask Jesus to heal the wound and heal the cancer. Then send the demon to the pit!

Unfortunately, not all diseases and illnesses are caused by a demon, if they were they would be easier to get healed.
But if you have an illness, command the fever or cold to go away, rebuke the virus, in Jesus name, it might not be instantaneous, but it will likely go away in a day or so instead of a week to 10 days.

Is it possible to do self-deliverance

Yes, Timothy Tomlinson has many great teachings on self-deliverance, both on his website and his YouTube channel. From our experience it is more effective to start with a ministry session by someone trained in deliverance, learn self-deliverance along the way and then finish with self-deliverance.

How long is a typical deliverance session?

1.5 to 2 hours, but it will likely require multiple sessions for complete freedom, the wounds and demons did not get there overnight, it can take time to get wounds healed and demons to leave. You have to keep going and don’t give up!

Who is present in the courts of heaven?

God the Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus, the person ministering, the person receiving ministry, angels and demons.

Do you have to ask the Lord to execute judgement on the demons to get them to comply?

Yes, all the time!

How do you know the demons are gone?

The first answer is “by faith”. Second, you can tell when they are listening and following your commands, they do what you tell them to do. The person receiving ministry usually feels a release of tension and a sense of peace. The person ministering may notice a change in body language along with seeing neck and face muscles relax. They may also get a check in their spirit that tells them they need to threaten further judgement if the demons refuse to leave. Also asking Jesus to send warring angels to escort them to the pit helps.

Where do demons go when they are cast out?

We command them to go to the pit (Isaiah 14:15 , Luke 8:31, Revelation 9:2).

When ministering, what keeps a demon from hurting us?

Luke 10:19 explains that Jesus gives us all authority over the power of the enemy and that nothing shall hurt us. So when you are doing deliverance on someone else, you never have to worry about a demon hurting you! They can’t jump off the other person into you. They can’t enter you after you cast them out of another person. The can’t enter you if you lay hands on someone else, or if they lay hands on you. The demon has to have a legal right to enter and none of the above are legal rights.

Dr. Scott Bitcon – SATAN’S RULES

Can a non-Christian receive deliverance?

Jesus can heal wounds of Christians and non-Christians. But if demons are cast out of non-Christians they can come back and bring their friends. Matthew 12:45

I have seen people receive deliverance with someone saying “come out in Jesus’ name”, does that work?

It can make the demons leave if they do not have a legal right to be there. It is more likely that the person with a demon has been tormented for so long that if the demon stops tormenting them it can feel like a “false peace” but the demons just went into hiding.
It can also allow the demons to put on a show, humiliate people and cause them or others to be fearful.

Shouldn’t you just leave the demons alone so they won’t retaliate against you?

Authority to cast out demons was given to us by Jesus (Luke 9:1) and we should use it to help free people from demonic bondage!
Luke 10:19 explains that Jesus gives us all authority over the power of the enemy and that nothing shall hurt us.
Ignoring setting the captives free gives the enemy free reign in our lives, and the lives of our families.

What is a bloodline dedication?

The Bible speaks of the sins of the father that are visited upon the third and fourth generation (this is not literal, it really means perpetuity, all the way back to Adam and Eve).

A bloodline dedication is when someone in your ancestry knowingly or unknowingly dedicated themselves, and possibly their children to Satan or another false god. It usually involves an animal or human sacrifice along with a perverse sexual act. People may think that it only happens in Africa where witchcraft and voodoo is common place, but it is also common in Eastern European countries; Celtic, Slavic, Norse, Druids, etc. Eastern religions like Buddhist and Hindu typically dedicate their children to a false god shortly after birth.

How is a bloodline dedication broken?

By dividing soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12), calling up the generational wound, having the wounded part renounce the bloodline dedication, breaking curses. Then calling the demon back to attention and asking the demon if they still have legal right in a wound.

Do you practice Theophostics?

No. Theophostics involves asking the person receiving ministry to self-generate a visualization of Jesus being present when a traumatic event happened. We practice a form of inner healing that involves bringing a person back to the traumatic event in their mind and asking Jesus to come heal it, if Jesus reveals Himself to them in a vision, it is Holy Spirit generated.

Do you work with kids?

Yes, but because of generational curses, it is more effective to start with the parents first.

Is deliverance a form of counseling?

No, it is getting the demons out of the way so the emotionally wounded part of the person can be brought to Jesus and healed, Jesus is the Healer and Holy Spirit the Counselor!

What is the recommended donation amount?

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

The worker deserves his wages. 1 Timothy 5:18

Are my donations tax-deductible?

No, we do not have a 501(c)3 tax exempt status.

What methods do you use for meeting?

If you live near and around DFW airport, we can meet in person, otherwise Zoom is used for sessions.

Is it possible for a group of people to receive ministry at the same time?

Yes, Jesus can heal many at the same time. But the process is not as in depth as an in person session.

Are you available for training at our church?


Is GloriousMystery.org associated with the Catholic church?

No GloriousMystery.org is not associated with the Catholic church. The name Glorious Mystery comes from Colossians 1:27.
An Internet search for Glorious Mystery will also return a Catholic Confraternity providing instructions for praying with a rosary. GloriousMystery.org does not subscribe to using a rosary or Mary the mother of Jesus being “The Queen of Heaven”.