My Journey

When I was about 30 years old I was recently divorced, a new believer in Jesus and had just experienced another break-up. I started attending a church that taught classes on setting the captives free. I attended every class that was available and received private counseling. Eventually I started ministering to people helping them on their freedom journey. But I was brokenhearted and still tormented with thoughts of the girl who dumped me.

As we were ministering one day, a woman came in who had been involved in witchcraft, while we prayed for her, one or more demons began manifesting. The other people ministering to her commanded the demons line up and leave. After a few moments they were gone.

I had never seen anything like it before and the weird thing was, I was laughing. Then they turned to me and said, “there are a couple in you that the Lord wants gone”. I went from laughing and laughing to coughing and coughing until something deep in my gut came out. That day the tormenting thoughts ceased!

Fast forward 10 years and my sister (who gave her life to Jesus at 13) was having trouble sleeping, she didn’t sleep for 4 days, in her exhausted and weakened state, demons started manifesting in her. I prayed for her and commanded them to leave “in Jesus’ name” but nothing happened, she only seemed to get worse, it was like they were taking over. She ended up in a mental hospital because she could have harmed herself or someone else. They gave her anti-psychotic medication and she was finally able to start sleeping.

During that time a friend suggested I read They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince, it was written by a pastor who was not taught in deliverance but was thrown into situations that required him to learn how to cast demons out. The book is a great introduction into the topic for people who are new believers or did not grow up in a church that practiced deliverance.

While my sister was going through this, someone gave her I Give You Authority by Charles H. Kraft. The book contains teachings on the authority we have as disciples of Christ, it also has numerous examples of inner-healing. Kraft discusses some aspects of deliverance and has a few pages on how to apply it.

My sister was sleeping better and weening off the medications but was still being tormented, including suicidal thoughts. Then someone sent me a link to Dr. Scott Bitcon’s web site. I began watching his free spiritual warfare videos and reading all the ebooks. After watching a few of them I thought, “I can’t possibly do this”, and then I heard that still small voice say “who else is going to let you practice on them?”. The rest is history!

Dr. Scott Bitcon
Dr. Scott Bitcon

Scott no longer does inner healing and deliverance with people directly, instead he teaches others how to minister through his free online videos and in-person. Timothy Tomlinson was taught by Scott and also has a YouTube channel where he does personal ministry sessions and helps people with self-inner-healing and deliverance. Nelson Schuman is another one of Scott’s students, Nelson does personal ministry sessions as well as training. Freedom Encounters is an excellent ministry that Scott references in his training videos. The point is; help is available if you need it, and anyone who is “In Christ” can learn to minister inner-healing and deliverance!

It took some time but my sister is now completely free, through this process she learned how to minister to others in the areas of inner healing and deliverance as well as self-inner-healing. Since learning from Scott and practicing on my sister, I have ministered to countless people. The secret is getting the demons out of the way and to bringing people to Jesus so they can get the emotional wounds healed and be set free from demonic oppression.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 NKJV

If you are in need of inner healing and deliverance please contact me. If you have more questions please check out the FAQ page.